Florida Blue

Florida Blue needed a way to prove that it was more than a health insurance company. The answer took the form of a provocative question, What else can health insurance do? — a new brand platform that aimed to demonstrate how Florida Blue was going above and beyond to improve the state of health for its 5 million+ members.

Across three distinct lines of business, we asked provocative questions to get people to rethink the Florida Blue brand and what it could do for them. The platform redefined what health insurance can be, inspiring a diverse population to discover all the health solutions Florida Blue provides.

What else can health insurance do? was embraced by Florida, and eventually led to the brand evolving its mission and tagline. No longer simply a Blue Cross Blue Shield company, but now Your Health Solutions Partner.

This evolution was accompanied by another campaign focused on the ongoing drive to solve Florida’s health problems even before they become problems. Let’s Keep Solving continues to inform everything the brand does to this day.